El-Tawhid Juma Circle (eTJC) Unity Mosques operate under the concept of Tawhid (generally understood to the Unity of Allah), which binds together Creator and created and also refers to the unity of humanity, creation, message, as well as unity between the inner and outer aspects of oneself. We aspire to authenticity and trueness to Allah when we join in worship.
The eTJC Unity Mosque family of congregations is founded on the certainty that all human beings, without exception, are equal to one another socially and ritually and in potential Divine agency. All are welcome at eTJC Unity Mosques spaces for prayer, community, reflection, and discussion which affirm and include all.
Allah tells us in the Quran that the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was a 'mercy to the worlds'. ETJC Unity Mosques are places of healing for everyone: for those who identify as Muslim, inclusive of sect and tariqa, as well as those who do not identify as Muslim - including family, spouses/partners, friends, seekers, and allies.
ETJC Unity Mosques are safe spaces for everyone to worship, commune, and just be. We celebrate pluralism and diversity enshrined in 49:13 of the Quran in our rituals, programming, and physical space. ETJC Unity Mosques extend an intentional welcome to people of all races, classes, abilities, health (including HIV) status, sexual orientations, gender identities, sex, ages, family and relationship statuses, and religions.
ETJC Unity Mosque's beliefs and practises are based on the understanding that all persons are equal agents of Allah in all aspects of ritual practice. Dr. Amina Wadud expounds this principle as horizontal reciprocity: we are all interchangeable, and only Allah is Akbar.
Everyone is welcome, even encouraged to take a turn in each aspect of Juma services, including but not limited to making the call to prayer, giving the sermon, and leading the ritual Friday prayer. Another pioneering imam, Nakia Jackson, describes this as 'shared authority,' since we all have something to teach and something to learn.
We stand for radical tawhid. Absolute Oneness. Absolute Equality, like the teeth of a comb, shoulder to shoulder against injustice and tyranny, including tyranny from the pulpit. That is our Islam. Nothing else.
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